How to Forgo Greasy Drain Clogs in Your Facility?

 Grease in your Drains does more damage than visible. Simply put, the grease has the tendency to gather around the grinding mechanism of your drain and cause it to clog. Due to such clogging, the blades will go dull and produce an unpleasant odour because of the increase of bacterias in the drain pipe. This clogging and the bacterias will prevent your wastewater from draining away. 

To remove the problem of drainpipe clogging and the growth of bacterias, grease interceptors, grease traps, etc came into existence.

However, there are times when it seems unavoidable to take care of the disposal and see what goes in your drain. And hence, here are a few suggestions on how to go without greasy drain clogs in your home, restaurant, cafes, etc.

  1. Install a Grease Trap or a Grease Interceptor

The first and the foremost step to do without Greasy Drain Clog is to get a Grease Trap or a Grease Interceptor installed. The initial level of defence from the grease is the trap that keeps the FOG (Fats, Oils, Grease) from the water waste.

However, keep track of the sizing of your drain and install the trap accordingly. You can either install a grease trap (works with less than 50 gallons of flow per minute) or a grease interceptor (works well with more than 50 gallons of flow per minute.)

  1. Maintain your Grease Removal System

Keep your Grease Interceptor or the Grease trap serviced regularly. In the process of servicing, the experts pull out the grease so that your trap can get clean again and continue catching the FOG. If there is no regular servicing and maintenance, your trap/interceptor will be filled more than its capacity and eventually will stop catching the Oil. This oil will then sneak into your pipe causing clogs in the system.

  1. Pull your Greasy Pans and Food in the Garbage Bin

No matter how promising a Grease Removal System sounds, it is not advisable to burden your traps/interceptors to catch all the fats and oils as they aren’t 100% exact in catching up. Form a habit of disposing of as much grease and oils as possible into the garbage bin from your pans, plates or any vessel. Your grease may be old or fresh, always try to dispose of as much of it as possible into the garbage bin.

Also, don’t forget that you just can’t pour hot grease in the trap as it is more liquefied than the cold one and can easily slip away from the trap into your drain.

  1. Deal with Drain Clogs the soonest possible

Most of the pipes and drainage systems are connected. As a result, it is of utmost importance to address if there is any clogging and avoid flooding and backups in the other piping outlets/areas. If there is a blockage in one pipe, it may divert the waste and water to the other interconnected pipes and this causes backups and flooding.

If you notice any kind of issues with your drain pipes, don’t wait and contact your Drain Repair Professional.

At Clenz, we have Grease Traps and Automatic Grease removal Systems of various ranges and designs. Have a look at our catalogue, here!


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